Here we are at the start of April and today my scale reported a number that I have not seen in a while. I haven't checked the records but I believe it has been a long time since I have been below 170 pounds. As I have pushed my weight down this year, I have been weight training regularly to minimize muscle loss in the process.
For the record, there were several times during the month of March that my food choices were maybe not as good as could be. We celebrated Debbie's birthday during the 3rd week of the month and then just last week, the sinister frozen food manager at our local Publix put Bryer's ice cream on a BOGO special. So while there are times that I don't follow my program perfectly, when I venture off the program for a special event, I get right back on the program that seems to work for me when the event is over. I have found that it is how I eat most of the time that really matters.